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Dom Reynolds

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Hi! We are fellow singer-songwriters, musicians, record producers and educators.


Having played together formerly in a group called Infra Red during the late ‘noughties’, we reconvened in the 2020s by jamming and then preparing a set of covers for live street performance.


Whilst rocking out, we realised, 'Hey! We actually have similar musical and artistic tastes! Even more than that, our original songs fit well together!' So in 2022, we created an album of newly-penned songs in an eclectic but rootsy style. This album was called Change The Plan, and you can listen/download it here or buy the CD.


The follow-up album, Roast Dinner Drive, 2023, is OUT NOW on CD, and you can listen to it and download it here.


Excitingly, we also have an exciting new album in preparation -with a working title Love and Pain- scheduled for release in 2024. Since January we have been releasing a single from the album every six weeks, and will continue doing so until the album is released in the autumn, and beyond. This means you can get a regular fix of our new music! We are also planning some studio-recorded cover versions of songs by such legends as The Beach Boys and The Doors!


We have recently been joined by B Just (desperateBeauty), who is playing drums and percussion for the band for their live shows, Ethan on bass and Alex on backing vocals and acoustic guitar. The band is called Dom Reynolds Derelicts.

For further background on my musical career go here:



Click the song title or picture for lyrics, précis and credits:
One Tribe.Single.Front Cover.jpg
In Rainbow City.jpg
Celestial.Single.Front Cover.jpg
Faraway land.jpg
Forest bathing.jpeg
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